TrueSense Blog

Don't Forget the Big Picture of Your Donor Newsletter

Written by TrueSense Marketing | Apr 13, 2017 4:00:00 AM

I have to admit, it happens to me, too.  I sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks of my job that I forget about the end goal.

And what is mine? To produce appeals that raise the most funds, which ultimately translates to more revenue for you (The Salvation Army), and enables you to continue Doing the Most Good for people in need.   

Yesterday, as I was standing at the copier, waiting for my document to print, I noticed page after page of newsletter proofs coming out.  I was suddenly reminded that the impact of a newsletter appeal goes way beyond the seemingly mundane, daily tasks of producing it.

Allow me for a moment to explain our newsletter process.  For some of us at TrueSense, the project timeline is incredibly long.  Getting good resource material can be time-consuming.  Our creative team spends hours upon hours writing and designing top-notch newsletters.  Our client service and production teams check and recheck to make sure the execution is flawless.  To put it in numbers?  For this spring’s edition, there are nearly 100 different newsletter versions.  And all of them have at least one story about a person or family for whom one Salvation Army Corps was instrumental in changing their life.

Back to my time at the copier.  While standing there, I read several of these newsletters, and was amazed at the unique and truly inspiring stories inside.  Stories of how lives are being changed for the better through The Salvation Army’s work and compassion.  Your work and compassion.  Believe me, folks, the good things that are happening across this country — thanks to the work you’re doing — are countless.   

So when it’s time to talk about the next upcoming newsletter, let’s take a moment to remember that it’s not about all the work that goes on before the piece is in the mail.  It’s about the story being told.  The story of how one life was impacted, because — in one moment of time — that life intersected with someone at The Salvation Army.