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Fundraising for Food Banks

Giving nourishes the human spirit. The act of giving feeds the soul. With over 50 years of experience and a specialized Food Bank fundraising team, we’ll help you make heroic acts happen … and feed hungry neighbors.

Creative Portfolio

View our powerful messaging that moves donors to feed the hungry.

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Food Bank Donors

Our groundbreaking study on who gives to food banks, why they’re heroes, and how to connect with them.

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Case Study

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma explains that when hungry clients counted on them, they counted on TrueSense.

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Strategic, full-circle fundraising solutions can help you reach and exceed your food bank’s donor marketing objectives.

TrueSense Marketing has a half-century of partnership with worthy charities like yours. In fact, we currently work with many feeding organizations across the nation on their donor acquisition and retention and mid-level programs.

Over the years, we’ve learned that not all donors are the same — they have a variety of motivations that inspire them to partner with your organization to feed people who are hungry. In order to reach your fundraising goals, you need to understand the donors who give to food banks.

Our fundraising creative seeks to inspire your supporters to move from a transactional to transformational relationship with you. You can win more broad-based support with an comprehensive fundraising framework that connects with your donors in all media — from direct mail to email, to social media, to telephone, and more. Together, we’ll find the unique mix your donors respond to best. 

Like you, our clients measure their results in people fed. See why they’re glad they chose us as their fundraising partner:

  •   One client saw a 5% increase in new/recap donors through acquisition with 20% smaller investment.
  •   Another client has seen a 125% increase in revenue within their first year of joining us.
  •   One client saw 15% more new donors and 37% more new donor revenue in their first year of partnering with us.
  •   Another client has acquired/reactivated 3,579 more donors this year than they did last year.
  •   Another client had a 95% lift in digital fundraising revenue with us in their first year.

Nothing excites us more than embracing your vision and working together to turn it into a reality. 

Reaching your fundraising revenue goals begins with talking to us today

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