Fundraising Case Study

Sustained Revenue Growth Is This Food Bank's New Reality

You might share a lot in common with Cassie Gilman, Chief Development Officer at Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.

  • Like you, she needed a way to bring in more new donors and reactivate lapsed donors to reinvigorate a shrinking donor file.
  • She recognized the value of digital fundraising, but didn’t know what to prioritize.
  • And, she placed a high priority on appealing to donors in a way that produced results — while being a good steward of donor-provided resources.

How about this part? Cassie’s food bank increased donor acquisition, while reducing costs by 20 percent.

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma was starting to see a downward trend in donations. Meanwhile, hungry families were counting on them for nutritious food.

Cassie explains how TrueSense Marketing helped them turn their program around … and continues to increase net revenue and build a thriving donor base.

Download the case study and learn how Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma connected with more donors to feed more people.


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